7 Million
Data points
150 Analytical
Investors Database
Get a comprehensive set of data about investors aggregated from numerous data sources.
View the portfolio structure of every investor in the database
Map the network of investors operating globally
Conduct effective market intelligence on investor’s activities to make vetted decisions
AI-Driven Matching Tool
Matching Tool can be leveraged by AI startups and investors interested in AI Industry.
Investors matching tool allows investors find their peers for portfolio comparison, as well as new co-investors for investment syndicates.
Companies can leverage this tool for expansion of their investors universe, looking for investors who are interested in the similar companies.
Funding Rounds Database
See all the funding rounds for AI companies in one place. Search the information by the organization name or explore the catalogue of the funding rounds for all AI companies. You can click on the investor's name for the investor profile details and pin the investor to your watchlist.